
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stubby's Tale

I learned from Facebook (of all places) that Stubby The Cat is an American Bobtail.  Stubby managed to have offspring in spite of my efforts to get him to the vet.  Stubby is still here for his morning bowl of cat chow.  Then he goes next door to Frijolito Farm to dine on tuna oatmeal delux.  Stubby is my part time cat. For those of you who have been following this blog for awhile and looking after Stubby's welfare your donations saved him.  He seems to thrive even with a broken off canine.  I have been searching for a new place to live since May 1st and only the log cabin was suitable to take Stubby, as Stubby must remain an outside cat.  Stubby learned to spray before I could get him neutered.  Unfortunately, even after his operation he can happily mark all his territories.  Yesterday I got word from the City Attorney that I have grounds for a lawsuit in regard to the money and damage to my equipment I have lost here since last September when I moved in.  So my move will be delayed until some legal hitches are worked out.  For now Stubby and his colony are safe under my protection.  On another note, I will be earning some extra income from ads on this blog.  Tell me what you think dear readers, I can't figure out what the pin in the map ad for today or yesterdays relevance to my content is.  Maybe you can enlighten me.


    I hope you can file that lawsuit and get what you deserve after the way you were treated by foes.

  2. I think I will wait for her to file for eviction and then do a counter suit and have them kick it into a higher court where I can get more money for the damages. If I wait for her to sue me then she will have to pay court costs and for my attorney! The basement is dry for now. The locks have been changed. I am open for negotiations. Meanwhile, I get to enjoy Stubby and his cat colony. He has babies! They are almost grown....but they are definitely his.


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