
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Now there are six morning cats

Six cats show up every morning now days.  This little gray and white girl is Stubby's girl.  She had 3 kittens by him before I could get him to the vet!  They have stub tails like his but they have her fur.  She belongs to the neighbors on the corner, but I think she likes the morning chow and occasional treats.  Lori tried to spin a story that I was going to harm her cats.  They were my cats as well as hers for 7 years.  I took care of them when she was at work.  She left them with me when she moved out to her mothers house.  Her cats were not welcome out at her mothers house.  I loved those cats and I freely admit that I dropped off cat treats and a new brush for them this spring as I had missed them through the winter and I missed brushing them, so I gave her a brush that was not made in China and natural bristle.  I visited them through the back gate whenever I was over there.  It was never when she was home and I never entered the yard...Yet behind my back, she has told my friends and police that I am stalking her, and leaving things on her porch.  I left things on Lori's porch that belonged to her that I have finally replaced, when I had business in Clintonville.  It wasn't often, and I always called and left a message about it on her phone.  I didn't want the items to get stolen or rained on.  She should be ashamed of herself for turning my kindness and love of her cats (that used to be our cats) into this heinous document for the purpose of avoiding responsibility for the phone bill and harming me.  It turns out she hadn't paid the phone bill since June last year.  I didn't decide to move until July 3rd, and didn't move until mid August so the bill was a month old by then and 6 months old when it went to collections.  She has damaged my credit and turned some of my friends against me, and tried to get me arrested.  She has colluded with the landlord to have me evicted.  Lori's last two girlfriends cleaned out her bank account and cheated on her while she was at I guess I understand where she learned the behavior.  Lori never once told me not to email her, or call her, or leave her belongings on her porch.  But that is what the police report claims!  (Now that, Bonie B. is slander and is libel.)  In case you are reading this, you needed to understand the difference, and possibly see a good example.  It just makes me sad.  It is a very horrible thing to do to repay 7 years of love, loyalty and kindness.

 I have 6 visiting cats in addition to Syd these days.  But not a day goes by that I don't think about Lori's cats (our cats).  I am saddened by her behavior as I only ever loved and supported them all through tough times and good times.  The day after Lori's X threatened to poison my cats on a Facebook message, none of the colony showed up for breakfast.  They have shown up faithfully every day since the first day I moved in, so I was grief stricken and frightened.  I thought this waco x girlfriend or my landlord who doesn't like cats, and doesn't approve of mine had done something to them.  Thankfully they all returned the next day without incident.  I missed them and looked for them all day that day.

Post script:  I just got an official document from the court saying that Lori's petition for the civil stalking or sexually oriented offense has been dismissed.  They were ready to hear her evidence and she didn't show up.  I was not informed of the hearing, otherwise I would have shown up to defend myself. 

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