
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nine Eleven Two Thousand Eleven

I was living at the YWCA downtown Columbus on this day 10 years ago.  I remember it vividly.  My life reduced to a 8 by 10 cell (room) because of systemic poverty, persecution, and prosecution.  The trade center represented my oppressor at the time.  Grandiosity, unsustainable, arrogant waste was my attitude and definition of Wall Street and the Patriarchy that had burned 9 million witches, carried out genocide to Native American people, slavery to Africans.  Colonialism 101 would teach that Native Americans could not be enslaved and were too frail for the work.  We exterminated most of them as they were useless for our purposes.  So we enslaved Africans and bread them like cattle in order to do the work of so called colonialism.  The so called tree of liberty has been watered with the blood and sweat of other races from the very beginning.  Our sense of national pride has been very expensive for other races.  And I remember them this day...thousands of people prior to the 2999 who died September 11, 2001.

  I knew that it was Ben Laden and retaliation from the brothers, cousins, and countries that we had occupied in our pursuit of foreign resources.  As we remember this horrific day that changed our nations course, I realize that the terrorism we experience is karmic.  How many Muslims did we exterminate before angering foreign powers to come after us here and wreak destruction comparable to what we did in their homeland.  Most people do not ask why when our attackers were all from Saudi Arabia, that we went for the throat of Iraq.  Freedom is expensive and it is not a given, it is a privilege.  There are two towers in the tarot.  You can see them intact on The Moon card which stands for intuition.

*Post Script:  Diane Sawyer just made a comment that the US is attacking Pakistan with our drone missiles.  Even before the memorial ceremony is finished, we are attacking another foreign country in our pursuit of global dominance.  We can't even take one day off!

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