
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Five Of Wands

The overall feeling of struggle in my life right now is represented in the Tarot by the 5 of Wands.  Two days ago I got an email from my X's X lover threatening to poison my cats, and she mentioned my landlord evicting me, and this other friend of mine being in collusion as well.  All four of these women are trying to harm me through various methods and means.  I had suspected as much this spring when my landlord decided to threaten me with eviction because of my concerns about the house.  There was a tone in her communications that revealed to me that she was going to punish me for the conflict between me and my X.  I knew that was what the veiled threat was really about.  I could not prove it however, because she was not being honest about it.  Another mutual friend had told me that the landlord had designated herself as mediator between my X and I.....and she rolled her eyes while saying it.  That is quite a conflict of interest in that she would lose a good renter if my X and I reconciled.  She caused quite a bit of conflict between my X and I instead of any mediation.  I could never prove these women were conspiring until the email from the 4th party who threatened to have two cops on her pay role come over and rough me up for some contrived crime in addition to the Facebook message threatening to poisoning my cats.  The grandiosity of two of these women is certainly not helping them convince authorities to act in their behalf I suspect.  The fact that my X is using another X to try and harm me rather than pay the old phone bill (that is now harming my credit report) is revealing as well.  Intentionally damaging an X's credit is a form of abuse recognized as domestic violence and is punishable by law.  I have put the matter before a mediator in small claims court rather than try to prosecute.  Even if she paid it, it will stay on my credit report for 7 years.  My landlord has acted in a retaliatory fashion since April.  The jig is up girls, You are not gonna beat me by conspiring and trumping up false charges and police reports.  It is called fabricating evidence and you can get into big trouble for trying to do it.  I assure you the broken mirror spell will send back everything you throw my way including kindness of all things.  Try kindness for a change, you will be amazed at the results! The tarot is fairly clear in this instance if you only look beyond your own selfish corrupt desires.  Tomorrows card will be The Seven Of Wands which clearly places me out of the reach of my enemies!

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