
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bridges Out Of Poverty

In President Obamas most recent speech to the nation he mentioned ladder out of poverty in relation to his Jobs Act.  This was coincidentally the very day I heard about Bridges Out Of Poverty, which is a similar expression and idea. I have been trying to secure a copy of Bridges Out Of Poverty because a friend of mine runs the program in Licking County...and another friend highly recommends it.  It is because of the tools I have gotten from the website and facebook page about this program that I obtained a copy of my recent credit report from Equifax.  The program teaches that intentionally damaging someones credit by a significant other or spouse is a form of domestic violence.  This woman that I loved till the very end has done that to me and it will be very difficult for me to recover from it.  I was loyal to her, supported her, and she shit on me!  The woman she has gotten to help her launch the legal campaign should know better as the x lover who shot and killed herself did so after emptying their joint bank account and maxing out all their joint credit cards.  So not only did she leave a dead body to mourn, but huge financial loss to overcome.  Ironic to say the very least that she would side with my X who left an unpaid bill that would be very difficult for me to pay.  I look forward to taking the steps on the bridge out of poverty, and those who have tried to harm me financially should be ashamed of themselves.  I have contacted a mediator in small claims court to try to recover my money in order to clean up that credit report.  This week I will secure the documentation necessary to dispute the entry and send it to Equifax.  A credit report is one of the tools that landlords use to screen their applicants, so this is one of the things that will prevent me from moving on.  Yesterday I amended the email to the court mediator to include the latest attempt to avoid this debt by having me arrested and putting a civil protection order on me in order to not take responsibility for this heinous act.  I am reminded that magic is hard work.  You can't just sip on a glass of wine and wave your magic wand and wish for things to happen.  Procrastination is the enemy here.  They tried to "beat the duck to the pond" as the old saying goes, and they failed miserably.  Building a bridge out of poverty is something I didn't figure on.  I had hoped that the bridge had already been constructed.

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