Blogroll Me! I am so happy! I get to work on some bowls for Empty Bowls Project...not where I thought...but I will make the best of it. You can find me on Monday morning trimming these 3 bowls at Morse Center Gillie Parks and Recreation Center. I will keep you all informed.
Hey ho, nobody home, meat nor drink nor money have I none Yet shall we be merry, Hey ho, nobody home. Hey ho, nobody home, Meat nor drink nor money have I none Yet shall we be merry, Hey ho, nobody home. Hey Ho, nobody home.
Soal, a soal, a soal cake, please good missus a soul cake. An apple, a pear, a plum, a cherry, any good thing to make us all merry, One for Peter, two for Paul, three for Him who made us all.
God bless the master of this house, and the mistress also And all the little children that round your table grow. The cattle in your stable and the dog by your front door And all that dwell within your gates we wish you ten times more.
Soal, a soal, a soal cake, please good missus a soul cake. An apple, a pear, a plum, a cherry, any good thing to make us all merry, One for Peter, two for Paul, three for Him who made us all.
Go down into the cellar and see what you can find If the barrels are not empty we hope you will be kind We hope you will be kind with your apple and strawber' For we'll come no more a 'soalin' till this time next year.
Soal, a soal, a soal cake, please good missus a soul cake. An apple, a pear, a plum, a cherry, any good thing to make us all merry, One for Peter, two for Paul, three for Him who made us all.
The streets are very dirty, my shoes are very thin. I have a little pocket to put a penny in. If you haven't got a penny, a ha' penny will do. If you haven't got a ha' penny then God bless you.
Soal, a soal, a soal cake, please good missus a soul cake. An apple, a pear, a plum, a cherry, any good thing to make us all merry, One for Peter, two for Paul, three for Him who made us all.
Blogroll Me! Here is something you don't see every day. A completely empty San Francisco Bay Bridge! Looks like it may stay that way indefinitely. Apparently they did a patch up job on Labor Day and it didn't hold. The infrastructure in this country is all begging to be upgraded and repaired. How many bridges are gonna have to collapse in order to get them repaired.
Every so often I get a request to make someone a pentagram. These are somewhat hard to cut and require absolute concentration. I make aproximately one a year. This was a nice little side project while I was working on the two daggers.
This morning I finished up all the soldering for these two boot daggers. This afternoon I plan on cutting out the final blade guard and polishing up all the silver pieces. We temper and heat treat on November 6th.
Perhaps the next picture will be two completed boot knives.
Blogroll Me! Here is the parking lot at Crossroads Mall in Oklahoma City NW 122nd St. It is hard to imagine a more innovative way to make money on a dead mall. Here is a link for the story.
Blogroll Me! We were supposed to heat treat and tempor the two knives this weekend. That deadline has been extended till November 6th. I still need to recut one blade guard. The new blade guard looks more compatible with the handle. I will use this time to polish all the silver pieces and perhaps cut my rivets.
Blogroll Me! I finished making the handle and the Silver pieces fit nicely. But...I am not happy with the size of the blade guard in relation to the rest of the knife. So I am going to redesign and cut a larger blade guard in the next few days. In the meantime, I am ready to heat treat and tempor the blade.
Blogroll Me! I will be finishing up the silver work on my knife projects this afternoon. I am hoping that the forge will be available to me this weekend in order to heat treat and tempor the blades. There is still no word on my band saw, and no word from Whetstone Rec Center about their ceramics program. It seems I am blessed with plenty of other projects to do meanwhile.
Blogroll Me! Graffiti removal is alive and well in our neighborhood. This guy probably makes $75(at least) an hour working on Mercedes Benz cars. He "specializes" in a very special car...and he has to take time away from his work to paint over obnoxious words and phrases. He doesn't need a town meeting, or committee, or organization to motivate him to paint over their filth. He just does it. I wish more people in the world were like him. He just does the right thing...because it is the right thing to do...What a concept!
Blogroll Me! Nancy's Home Cooking closed at the end of May this year...but by some sort of miracle they are reopening soon. Nancy's is located at 3133 North High Street. This place rocks! They have a sign inside that says eat it and beat it. That is how small it is...and how popular. Great place for 2 eggs over easy, wheat toast, and coffee. Also Wednesday is meatloaf day! Yeah Nancy for making a comeback!
Blogroll Me! I can only imagine that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Supermarkets and leading food companies have reduced the size of their products but failed to pass on cost reductions to their customers, an investigation by The Times has found.
In an effort to beat the recession, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda and Ocado are selling smaller portions of popular brands, including biscuits, beer, crisps and ice cream. However, prices have remained the same and, in some cases, the cost has increased while the packet size has shrunk.
Jonny Steel, spokesman for, the grocery shopping and comparison site that conducted the research for The Times, said: “Food manufacturers are trying to help consumers by reducing the frequency of price increases, but unfortunately they are sometimes doing this by downsizing their products. This leaves shoppers paying the same amount of money as they were before the pack revamp, while getting less in return. Here is the link for the rest of the article from Times On Line.
Blogroll Me! We haven't had a television in our home since the day that everything switched to high definition (June 12, 2009). I certainly am getting lots more done without it's allure. I may even have sharper critical thinking skills. I notice how distracting it is when we are in public to have the constant televised whatever on. This devise is just an on off remote. Wherever you are, you can whip this baby out and turn off and tune into whatever else is going on. This would be a great Christmas gift...instead of buying a new plasma TV. What a novel idea!
Blogroll Me! I am almost finished with the twin boot daggers I started this spring. First I profiled the blade(see old post) and today I finished making the handle. Bonie's Boot Dagger is almost ready for the sheath! This has been an awesome project.
I first became acquainted with The Empty Bowls Project several years ago when I was throwing pots downtown Columbus at The Arsenal. When I moved to The Martin Janis Center I participated in Empty bowls through their ceramics program.
Empty Bowls started out as a class project in an Elementary School in Detroit and now has become a project participated around the world by adults as well as children.
The concept is simple. Collect bowls from community ceramics classes, host a soup supper. Collect donations at the supper to support the local food banks, letting the patrons select a bowl.
I hope to donate a few bowls to this project this year through Whetstone Recreation Center.
Blogroll Me! The road has been under construction for a long time. Many businesses such as the Sunoco gas station to the right couldn't wait out the construction process and closed down their pumps leaving a haven for litter, graffiti and crime. We have a shiny new arch that reads The City Of Columbus for all our waiting. The second arch is all the way up to Lane Ave. I haven't seen that one yet. Hopefully the businesses that waited out this construction project will make up for lost time and thrive from here on out.
Blogroll Me We should be so lucky again to have such a great presence teaching us more about drumming in Columbus Ohio. Thank you Judy, and thank you Wahru.
Judy Piazza will be giving a frame drum workshop at Bexley Hall Capital University Downtown Columbus 12:00pm and I hope to see you there! No blog till Sunday.
This is a picture post workshop. Wish you could have been there it was fabulous!
I appologize for this blog. I have 26 minutes left on a library computer and can not access any of my pictures from home, nor can I access google images. It was my intention to blog about the drum workshop this Saturday and The empty bowls project that is coming up in the near future. But life has a way of throwing curve balls and I had one thrown at me this morning. I will try to get back on track on Sunday. Please see previous blogs on Piazza drum workshop and Empty Bowls Project in the search bar.
Blogroll Me! There are all sorts of good reasons to volunteer for Hot Times. Tonight is the Hot Times Volunteer Appreciation Party 6-9. Pizza and Pop will be provided...covered dish is optional but encouraged. If you volunteered at Hot Times this year we hope to see you at old fire station now Columbus Music Hall tonight.
Lovers of France's two great symbols of cultural exception – its haute cuisine and fine art – are aghast at plans to open a McDonald's restaurant and McCafé in the Louvre museum next month.
America's fast food temple is celebrating its 30th anniversary in France with a coup -the opening of its 1,142nd Gallic outlet a few yards from the entrance to the country's Mecca of high art and the world's most visited museum.
The chain faces a groundswell of discontent among museum staff, many already unhappy about the Louvre lending its name and works to a multi-million pound museum project in Abu Dhabi.
"This is the last straw," said one art historian working at the Louvre, who declined to be named. "This is the pinnacle of exhausting consumerism, deficient gastronomy and very unpleasant odours in the context of a museum," he told the Daily Telegraph.
Didier Rykner, head of The Art Tribune website found the idea "shocking".
"I'm not against eating in a museum but McDonald's is hardly the height of gastronomy," he said, adding that it was a worrying mixture of art and consumerism. "Today McDonald's, tomorrow low-cost clothes shops," he said.
McDonald's confirmed that a restaurant will open next month. The Louvre confirmed it will be positioned in the underground approach to the Louvre, known as the Carrousel du Louvre.
The stonewalled gallery was opened in 1993, five years after the famous Louvre pyramid. The Carrousel's initial remit stipulated that its "commercial activities will be regulated and restricted to cultural or tourist activities".
The Louvre has the right to protest against boutiques it considers fail to meet such criteria. However, the museum told the Daily Telegraph it had agreed to a "quality" McCafé and a McDonald's in place by the end of the year, which it said was "is in line with the museum's image".
"The Louvre welcomes the fact that the entirety of visitors and customers, French or foreign, can enjoy such a rich and varied restaurant offer, whether in the museum area or gallery," the museum said in a statement.
The McDonald's would represent the "American" segment " of a new "food court", and would be situated "among (other) world cuisines and coffee shops," it wrote.
It added that the franchise owner "has taken the utmost care in ensuring the quality of the project, both in culinary and aesthetic terms".
Louvre Pour Tous, a website whose aim is to "inform and defend" museum visitors, said: "Henri Loyrette, president of the Louvre museum just had to say one word to stop the whiff of French fries from wafting past the Mona Lisa's nose. He chose otherwise."
There was already an outcry last year when Starbucks opened a café perilously close to the Right bank museum's entrance. Employees and art aficionados sent management a petition in protest; the café opened regardless but was asked to provide a cultural corner of brochures and catalogues as a placatory measure.
"Starbucks was bad enough but McDonald's is worse," said the Louvre art historian.
A new ticket hall is due to be built in the next three years by the site of the new McDonald's to cope with the eight million annual visitors.
"Once this happens, the first thing visitors will likely see when they arrive are big golden arches," he said.
Many in France view "McDo" as the Trojan horse of globalisation and the scourge of local produce and long lunches.
José Bové, the mustachioed anti-GM crusader shot to fame after bulldozing a McDonald's in 1999 to protest against malbouffe (junk food).
However, even if there were a last-minute u-turn at the Louvre, statistics suggest the battle of Le Big Macs has already been lost. France has become McDonald's biggest market in the world outside of the US, according to the chain. While business in traditional brasseries and bistros is in freefall, the fast food group opened 30 new outlets last year in France and welcomed 450 million customers – up 11 per cent on the previous year.
Blogroll Me! Bonie Bolen is almost finished with my friend Nesley's ceiling mural. It is very clear to me at this point that Bonie is going to be going places in the future. I am happy to have a hand in this project in that I painted the walls.
Blogroll Me! Judy Piazza is coming to Columbus next weekend. Here is 47 some seconds of her playing just a tambourine. There is so much sound coming from just one sounds like a whole drum line! Hope to see you at Capital University Oct. 10th!