Friday, July 31, 2009
Knife Project Continued
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Blue Dube Mural

The Blue Danube Restaurant has a new mural. I am told this restaurant has been around since the early 70's.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Platform 21
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Jamming With Bart Man

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I will be at Leo Fest this weekend...hopefully jamming with Bart Man. Here is a picture of Bart Lambert playing backup guitar at Norka Futon July 4th, in front of a painting by Bonie Bolen. Bart played last summer in Cowboy Hippy Folk Band. You can see him very briefly on a YouTube by entering Cowboy Hippy Folk Band in the YouTube search bar.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mt Rushmore From Canadian Perspective

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I saw this image first on Facebook. I was uncertain of the size of the image so I searched it on Google Images using the title Mt. Rushmore view from Canada.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Distracted Driving

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I don't know what it is going to take for people to pay attention to their driving. Even if I was totally 100% proficient at driving and multitasking it doesn't mean much in the bigger picture, because there are a lot of dumb asses out there who just can't develop the skill...and they try it anyway! You have to wonder why the U. S. Government would suppress evidence that multitasking while driving is hazardous to every ones health. Check out this link to Mother Jones article Why Did The Feds Bury Data On Cell Phone Dangers. Click this link.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

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Better start finding out the truth about the Swine Flu now. I saw this article this morning and feel that it may be true. I got the image from Google Image by entering the word "depopulation" into the search box. This was the first image to come up. I sure wouldn't know how to draw or paint an image about intentional depopulation. I find myself thinking the image of a vacant Los Vegas...or mother earth shaking us off her like fleas off a dog. I am gonna think about this and talk to a few people about this for awhile. I might not be blogging for the next few days. In the meantime let me introduce you to Catherine Austine Fitts. Please click on the link below:
Monday, July 20, 2009
Cannabis is illegal because...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Question Authority
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Goodnight Walter
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mountain Top Invasion
In this video, some drunk employees of Massey Energy, which does mountaintop removal coal mining in West Virginia, crash the super mellow 23rd annual Mountain Keepers Festival, an anti-mountaintop removal event. It’s awkward, to say the least.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Made In China for American Greetings Corp.

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Nearly everyday I get an email with a product recall. Most of the time the product that is being recalled is manufactured in China! American Greetings Corp. Recalls Sport Balls Due to Violation of Lead Paint Standard
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: DesignWare Sport Balls
Units: About 90,000 packages in the United States and 1,900 in Canada
Importer: American Greetings Corp., of Cleveland, Ohio
Hazard: The surface coating on the basketball contains excessive levels of lead, in violation of the federal lead paint standard.
Incidents/Injuries: None reported
Description: This recall involves DesignWare Sport Balls party favors. The package contains four mini sport balls: a basketball, a football, a baseball and a soccer ball. The model number is SPBL 1821 and is printed on the packaging.
Sold at: Various retailers in the U.S. and Canada from August 2004 through April 2009 for about $3.50.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled sport balls away from children and contact American Greetings to receive a coupon for a replacement product.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact American Greetings at (800) 777-4891 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit the firm�s Web site at
Friday, July 10, 2009
Mead: It's Not Just For Vikings

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This is an article by Peter Smith I found on Good Blogs.
Colony Collapse Disorder has spurred a new interest in bees. With backyard apiculture catching on, so is a storied form of liquid gold: honey wine.
Of the 20,000 bee species that have been identified, beekeepers in Europe and North America keep only one (Apis mellifera). In recent years, some beekeepers have seen a mysterious 70 percent decline in their bee populations. Because bees pollinate fruits and flowers, making them indispensable for sustainable and profitable agriculture, the death of western honeybees—known as Colony Collapse Disorder—has led to a prolonged hand wringing.
Some say the scale of the collapse has been overstated. A study in the May issue of Current Biology, for example, reports a global rise in domesticated bee populations. Don’t get too hopeful, though. Combined with native bee losses, the increase in managed honeybees might not be enough to keep pace with the growing number of food crops requiring pollinators. The disappearance of bees has been called a “looming pollination crisis.” And a “coming agricultural crisis” and a “a crisis on top of a crisis.”
The beepocalypse has also brought some awareness to bee-related news, from beejacking and honey laundering to the range of theories about its root cause. Possible explanations for CCD include cell phone transmissions, disease, drought, stress, toxins, pesticides, malnutrition, and, most recently, a parasite. The collapse has also contributed to an already budding interest in backyard beekeeping. Home meadmaking might be next.
Mead is a fermented, alcoholic honey wine (it’s not officially a wine, though—federal regulators call mead an “agricultural product”). Some compare the taste of bad meads to urine or petrol. To me, the better meads often resemble Pinot grigio with a sweet honey flavor and an aftertaste that’s slightly medicinal, like aspirin.
Because late season goldenrod honey tastes different from an early season blueberry honey, a particular mead’s characteristics are tied to where and when it was produced: like wine, it has terroir. And unlike beer (which, unless you live in the Pacific Northwest, tends to involve a lot of imported hops), mead can be made anywhere there’s honey. Anywhere. One city beekeeper I talked with said hawthorns, crab apples, and other flowering trees planted in cities tended to give urban bees plenty of pollen to forage.
In regions where wine grapes don’t grow well, mead is one of the few alcoholic drinks that can be made with terroir. Tilar Mazzeo, a wine scholar and author of The Widow Clicquot, told me that mead may have been the only wine Europeans made in Maine—at least at the time when the Vikings arrived.
But it’s mostly this association with the Vikings that’s defined mead so far—and limited its appeal. Bees show up in cave paintings, Virgil’s Georgics, and as potent symbols of industry and thrift in American literature, but much of the contemporary writing about mead tends to start and stop with medievalists, the rowdy Norseman Beowulf, or Lord of the Rings-style swilling of hogheads. It doesn’t help that the authoritative how-to book on the subject has the words “compleat meadmaker” in the title. As Nicholas Day put it in an article on Slate, “currency with the Society for Creative Anachronism is not exactly a signifier of great commercial promise.”
Still, the Scandinavian and medieval associations belie its wider cultural significance. Ethiopian restaurants often serve tej, a honey wine made with the gesho plant. Slow Food has recognized Polish meads. Dogfish Head brewery added honey to an Egyptian-style ale. Two East Coast kombucha makers recently turned to mead and, where I live, a couple of young guys have started brewing up dry meads. An estimated 70 meaderies exist in the United States. Not all of them make mead worth drinking (the Mazer Cup lists a few that are). Nor do all of them harp on the drink’s storied past, further relegating mead to the realm of mere historical novelty.
For those who do want a taste of ancient Rome, one final note. Pliny the Elder has a recipe for hydromel, a weak mead made of three parts water to one part honey, which should be left outside for 40 days after the rising of the Dog Star (according to Bee Wilson). Hydromel caused drunkenness. It was also said to cure small-mindedness. So if you raise a glass of honey wine, think of Pliny’s recipe, the combination of chain mail and the beekeeper’s veil, and mead’s cloyingly sweet taste of place. After all, bees just might need the attention.
If you are seeking some fine mead here in Columbus I can direct you to Brothers Drake meadery. I can attest that it is some of the finest Mead on the planet.Thursday, July 9, 2009
Traitor Joe's

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Hi everyone, I'm Traitor Joe. Welcome to my one-stop-shop for ocean destruction. Join me for a quick trip through my website.
Can you see through the green haze I have used to mask the truth about my seafood purchases? You see, I have a bad habit of greenwashing. Instead of telling you how I am destroying the oceans, I bend the truth and tell you that I do everything "green" and look out for the well being of the Earth. But, if you dig a little deeper (and I hope you won't) you will see that I have a treasure chest (or freezer case) full of red list seafood. Oops. How did that get in my store?
For more go to this link.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Full Moon Last Night
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Shadow Inventory

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This was on NPR this morning and I missed it. On some level the banks are helping to prop up this fake economy by use of the means of "shadow inventory". They are not offering many deals to first time homeowners and they are not trying to find ways to keep people in their homes.
"Shadow" Inventory May Slow Housing Recovery
"The housing market has shown some signs of life recently. Existing home sales are up, prompting some optimism. But at the same time, an untold number of houses that have yet to hit the market are waiting in the wings.
And the bigger that so-called shadow inventory, the further off the housing recovery might be.
'The Tip Of The Iceberg'
By the official count, about 3.5 million homes are on the market right now. Given the rate of home sales, that's roughly twice the normal supply.
But "that could just be the tip of the iceberg," says Stan Humphries, chief economist for the real estate Web site Zillow.
It's not what is already for sale that worries economists like him; it's the number of homes that might hit the market in the months to come.
"The portion of the iceberg below the waterline is inventory that's waiting to come into the market at some point," Humphries says. "And as it bleeds into the market over time, it continues to put downward pressure on prices."
Shadow inventory comes in several forms. It includes homes in or close to foreclosure but not yet put up for sale — a number that's increasing. It also includes homes that owners want to sell but are waiting to put on the market until it improves.
In a recent survey, Zillow found that nearly a third of homeowners would have considered putting their homes up for sale if the market were better. Nationally, that would mean between 11 million and 30 million homes that aren't listed but are waiting on the sidelines.
Stuck With Unwanted Homes
The would-be sellers include people like Jennifer Dalzell. She and her husband bought a five-bedroom row house just four years ago in the shadow of the nation's capital. Her husband is in the military, so they move around a lot.
Dalzell says she's watched the appraised value of their home plummet along with their retirement savings and mutual funds. Her husband will be moving to his new gig in Africa without the family, in part because they don't want to sell at what she believes is the bottom of the market.
"Because we can wait, we'll wait until we feel that we can get a better price for the house," Dalzell says. "I think the market will come back. It feels like there's money out there, and people are just sort of waiting. And I guess we're contributing to that waiting game."
There are no records that quantify how many people like Dalzell there are. In fact, sizing up the shadow inventory is tough.
"Unfortunately, our data are very delayed, and we really don't have a sense of exactly where we are," Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said at the National Association of Realtors conference in May.
The key question, Greenspan said, is quantifying how many single-family dwellings are available for sale.
Number Of Foreclosed Homes Unclear
But it's not clear how many more homes will be heading into foreclosure. If prices keep falling, that number is bound to grow.
Government data released Tuesday showed the number of homes going through the foreclosure process jumped 22 percent during the first quarter. The number of homeowners who are seriously delinquent on their mortgages is also up. Delinquencies are growing the fastest among borrowers who had good credit scores.
And that's only part of the challenge. As banks take possession of more foreclosed homes, not all of those are listed — sometimes because they are holding back inventory so they don't flood the market.
"I do know that banks are holding onto inventory, and what they're doing is they're metering them out at an appropriate level to what the market will bear," says Pat Lashinsky, chief executive of online brokerage site ZipRealty.
He says this strategy has paid off for banks — even if it also pushes a full housing recovery further out.
"By not flooding the market, they were getting better pricing on the homes that they owned," Lashinsky says. "And instead of people coming in and offering less than what the prices were, they were ending up in multiple-offer situations and getting more for the homes."
Lashinsky adds that a large shadow inventory is not all bad because it creates a kind of buffer. Having so many people hold back prevents a free-fall in home prices. And when the economy recovers, he says, there will be plenty of homes to buy."
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Bus

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So far it has been a great summer in terms of perfect festivals, gallery hops, performances, and shows. The weather has been unseasonably nice. I understand that it is the anniversary of The Woodstock Festival. I live in Clintonville and Woodstock is sacred here. Art Cars are welcome here. Clintonville is the perfect place for an artist and musician to live. I am blessed. I feel as though I am finally on the bus.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Gallery Hop July 4th 2009

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Come to Norka Futon the month of July and see the paintings and murals of Bonie Bolen. I have blogged about Bonie's murals and paintings in the past. I can't wait to see what she shows this month. Also check out this months issue of Short North Gazette for an article about Bonie and her family called Artist Rising by Jennifer Hambrick.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Doo Dah Parade and Hop

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Come to The 26th Annual Doo Dah Parade followed by the Independence Gallery Hop. Stop by Norka Futon and see the murals and paintings of Bonie Bolen and others.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Photo Blog

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I was talking to a dear friend this morning about the violence that happened at Comfest this year. I did not witness the stabbing on Saturday night thank goodness, but I did witness a dog attacking a child on Sunday afternoon.
My friend and I agree that Comfest is now too big. They are gonna need to make some drastic changes next year. I am reminded of Woodstock 1969. There has never been another Woodstock. All sorts of things happened at that concert...bad acid trips to babies being born...many conceived.
So much emphasis this year on stopping folks from bringing their own beer and liqure. But seriously they need to equally enforce the "Leave Your Dogs At Home" part of the program. Not allowing firearms makes sense. But it is my understanding that the young man was stabbed with a pen knife. How are they going to enforce that I wonder? I felt threatened by the amount of dogs on Sunday even before the child was bitten. The child who was bitten certainly invaded the dogs personal space as far as I could tell. I think dogs would prefer not to be around so many heinous humans; not watching where they are walking...not watching where their children are walking...too busy on cell phones whatever. I snagged this photo from a blog I follow called Marco Crupi Blog