Here are seven bowls that I made at The Cultural Arts Center downtown Columbus. These came up missing for weeks, and were apparently taken off the shelves before their final firing. No explanation was ever given for my bowls not being included. I found them in a box near the shelves where I had placed them. I suspect it may have had to do with my makers mark being on the pots instead of a signature and date. I had payed for the class for 5 years and I was very disappointed when they came up missing. I found another rec center and finished them just in time to donate them to The Empty Bowls Project. Sometimes it takes near tragic circumstances in order to move and grow. I moved my nearly completed bowls to The Martin Janis Center where they were nearly fired overnight. I am happy with the change. The class costs half as much. I don't have to pay for parking. No one at the new center will remove my bowls from the firing shelf!
I intended to extend my blog from yesterday. But instead I created a second blog called Made in America. I did not intend to have a whole new blog. I intended the subject for today be called Made in America. A list of companies and goods and products can be found on the site Made In America (that no longer exists). I tried to add a link to that old site but was prevented from doing so. Perhaps someone will revitalize it for us, and I will add it again. Starting with The Story of Stuff a 20 minute video which is about planned and perceived obsolescence and ending with the idea that we are all much too wasteful and need to stop filling up the landfills. I perceive that the junk we buy from China is part of the bigger problem. We need to keep jobs here in the United States. Hopefully others will jump on board and start reproducing and producing NEW quality products and stop relying on imports. I hope that I can create a favorite web site page somewhere on my site that includes these dynamic websites in a column for immediate access. I want to install some of these more permanently but my skills are still in infancy. It is nice that there still are things made in America and I am proud to be an American Silversmith. I should also mention that Fiestaware Dinnerware that I sell on Ebay is also still an American company. Perhaps the Still Made in America site needs to be recreated. I still have the old site in my bookmarks, so I can republish the info into my daily blog and create a new list. Hopefully others will add to my list and it will be worthy of a website and daily blog in and of itself.
I really have Spring Fever but it is much too cold today to be outside. For a week now as I have been thawing out, I have been planning as well. Mostly I have been creating a website to promote my silversmithing hobby, ebay auctions and show off some of my other creations. I have great hopes for my site Divine Designs. I have great faith in my friends that they will help me out with suggestions on how to make Divine Designs a better site. I want to be able to share some of the better websites such as Uncle Jay Explains the News and Terriermans Daily Dose. I realize I should be able to put a link right here to their sites but I have not learned how yet as this is my very first blog here. Please feel free to look at my website and please sign my guestbook.